Explore these valuable resources on understanding your taxes, including essential information on due dates, refund details, and additional forms. Whether you're a first-time filer or a seasoned taxpayer, find the guidance you need to navigate the complexities of the tax season and ensure a smooth filing process.

where is my refund

Check the status of your tax refund on the IRS Refund Status page. 
Check the status of your tax refund on the FTB Refund Status page. 

tax due dates

Stay updated on the tax due dates by visiting the IRS Tax Due Dates page. 
Stay updated on the tax due dates by visiting the FTB Tax Due Dates page. 

forms and publications

Access various IRS forms and detailed publications on the IRS Forms and Instructions page. 
Access various FTB forms and detailed publications on the FTB Forms and Instructions page. 

Withholding calculators

Use the IRS Withholding Calculator to estimate your tax withholding and make sure you're on track. 
Use the FTB Withholding Calculator to estimate your tax withholding and make sure you're on track.